Loosen that line…..

Ok Year 6, you know all about these activities, teach your siblings!

These drawing games are great if you are struggling a bit. Sometimes I spend ages trying to get something perfect but it never looks right and ends up being frustrating and dull. Then I remember these activities and drawing becomes fun again and my pictures have lots more energy. By letting go caring about being ‘perfect’ or ‘getting it right’ you give yourself freedom to have fun with your lines- and it shows in your pictures.

  • Find a subject to draw – anything, could be an object in your house, your grown up sitting on the sofa, your brother/sister/pet, anything….pick up your pen or pencil…..now swap it into your other hand. Thats right, your ‘wrong’ hand. Now try drawing and see what happens……..

  • As before find a subject and picture up your pencil, this time you can use your normal hand but the pencil must not come off the paper. You must draw with one single continuous line….bonus pointsif you keep the pencil moving and don’t stop.

  • And my personal favourite…. this time do your drawing without looking at your paper. Sometimes people call this a ‘blind drawing’. It’s tricky to get the hang of, but its worth trying. Keep your eyes focused on the object/person you are drawing, as if you are drawing them with your eyes…the more detail the better. It doesn’t matter if you don’t get everything in the correct place – that’s the point!
Above: A ‘blinddrawing’ by Austin Kleon- a writer who draws

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