Having trouble drawing an ellipse?

An ellipse is the name for the shape a circle becomes when viewed from an angle – eg the top/bottom/end of a cylinder.

If you have been trying to draw cylinder shapes, maybe for the cup drawing activity or maybe you want to make something up and make it look 3D, but don’t know what it would look like…try making an ellipse cube.

You could download a print a net for a cube from the links page or use an exsisting cube shaped object you might already have.

Once you have got a cube, either find something circular to draw around that fits within one of the faces of your cube – or practise drawing a neat circle. – make 6 circles and stick one to each face of your cube.

You can turn or posistion your cube to view what shape the circle becomes when viewed from different angles. Practise drawing lots of different ellipses, then start using them in your drawings.

Stick your circles on each face of your cube
As you turn the cube, the ellipse will appear different

The top of this bowl is an ellipse
You can stack shapes, each ‘circle shape’ is an ellipse
Ellipses can also be sideways to create tubes and tunnels
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