Check out Lizzie Hunter….

Lizzie Hunter is an artist who creates fun little creatures, characters and lettering using just marker pens. She has a very recognisable style and a quick way of working.

Most artists who work with marker, use special pens that are designed to layer on top of each other without getting messy. Your felt pens at home might not layer up so well – if it get too messy, try using coloured pencils on top of felt pen (let the pen dry first!)

If you have paints, you could paint then, draw on top with pencils once it is dry.

How does Lizzie make sure that all the pieces she does go well together? How does she make each one different?

Use Lizzie’s working style as inspiration to fill your own page with whatever you like – people/cats/dogs/fish/plants/cars/rockets/flowers/houses/monsters….

Check out Lizzie’s work on her website and look at her videos below that show just how she works.

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